Wednesday, May 28, 2008


“I just want to find a team, where I can fit in, contribute, and help to win a championship.” That is the statement (always made through their agent of course) that you hear from almost every professional athlete entering FREE AGENCY. Now, what they are actually thinking while making that statement is, YES!!!!, I survived the season healthy, and posted career numbers (what a coincidence in a contract year). I only have three words on my mind. STRAIGHT CASH HOMEY!!!!” He goes on to think, “Winning would be nice, but there is no guarantee that I will win no matter where I sign (don’t believe me, ask Randy Moss and Karl Malone). With that in mind, I am going for the STRAIGHT CASH HOMEY!!!!” Let’s be real, that is why they play the game. Sure they love the game, but it is the money that motivates them to put the health of their bodies on the line (especially NFL players) and dedicate their entire lives to becoming a professional athlete. Another statement that amuses me is, “I love this game, I would play for free.” YEAH RIGHT!!!! If you are willing to play for free, you should donate your entire salary to charity (or to me, trust me, I will find something useful to do with it). They’re either prescribing to the Brett Favre philosophy, or they are simply stupid, or just flat out lying. Favre once said that he plays on Sundays for free, but he gets paid for the rest of the week (the practice and preparation). Great minds must think alike, because that is exactly how I would view the situation if I were a professional athlete. I don’t fault any athlete for playing for the money, just be honest with yourself and the fans. You aren’t playing for the love, you are playing for the $300,000 sports car and all of the “OTHER THINGS” that come along with it. I recall an athlete entering the 2004 NFL Draft saying that he was focused on a good 40 time, because a couple of tenths of a second could be the difference between a Chevy Truck and a Range Rover. You have to applaud his honesty. He made no bones about it, he was definitely in it for the (now let’s say it all together) STRAIGHT CASH HOMEY!!!!

1 comment:

Scott said...

The new site looks good. Comments rule.